Thursday, December 22, 2011

Arabian Nights

"Arabian nights, Like Arabian days, More often than not,
Are hotter than hot, In a lot of good ways"

The annual Sydney Opera House Christmas party was upon us and this year's theme was, "Arabian Nights". Instant panic flooded mine and every woman's mind because all the typical Arabian nights costumes anyone could think of resembled Barbara Eden's in I Dream of Jeannie which meant...BARE MIDRIFF! And I said 'No way, Jose!' So off to Paddy's Markets I went and you wouldn't believe the outfits they have there! I settled on these amazing see-through blue genie pants with gold coins all over them, wristlets to match, a gold-coined necklace, and put my hair in a bun a-top my head. (and a gorgeous make-up job done by the amazing and beautiful Amanda!) But the BEST part of my outfit were the authentic genie/arabian shoes I got at the Salvation Army thrift store by my apartment for $8!!! Even thought it was pouring rain outside, Dancing and drinks and Arabian fun was had in plenty!!

Mark, Amanda and I ready to go! But no taxis in sight!
Traditional Arabian dance moves!?
Lawrence of Arabia?! No, that's Andre enjoying the food!!
Shelly, Jane, Tanya and I with the Genie's Lamp. But where's the Genie?
Leave it to Mark to find him...them?! That's right! There were 3 Genies there that night!
Camel Limbo!!
Rub the Lamp!

The following photos are of a traditional Arabian 'activity' involving a Shisha or hookah. It's a waterpipe, and the products we were 'smoking' were based on herbs, tea leaves, and sugar cane and they had a variety of flavours, Apple, Mint, and Grape. Enjoy! (We did!)
Puff the Magic Dragon! :-)


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