Thursday, January 26, 2012

An Aussie Christmas

What a whirlwind of a Holiday season! I had to work on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, so I was only able to spend 36-hours up in Forster-Tuncurry. Leigh and I drove up late on Christmas Eve, arriving around 11pm. That evening was spent drinking wine and catching up with cousins. Christmas morning Pam, Leigh and I went for a swim in the ocean. It was a beautiful, sunny day, however the water was freezing. Pam tried convincing me that it was "lovely!" but I did not share the same feelings. Almost the whole Australian gang was there, including Nana Joy, Joan, Me, Pam, Leigh, Mat, Mark, Mark's friend Dime, and Michael.

The rest of the day consisted of opening presents and cooking a delicious Christmas feast, consisting of all sorts of salad, turkey, ham, and potatoes. However, the main attraction was a Cantonese roast duck Mat had been preparing since the night before! After I set and decorated the table, I went to pick-up Nanna Joy and Joan. They made trifle and Christmas pudding for dessert (always ones for tradition!) Mat and Mark passed out on the couch just when it was time to clean up!

Mat and his Cantonese Roast Duck. What a Beauty!

That night we went over to Pam's sister Kay's house and had such a great time with everyone. Another feast was upon us and Shucking oysters was a highlight! I had to leave the next morning on a bus at 7am to make it back to Sydney for work by 1pm. And with that, Christmas was over, but what a great, albeit short, time it was!

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