Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blue Mountains...Take My Breathe Away

Shayne and I decided to escape the hustle and bustle of Sydney CBD and see a bit of the countryside for a day. We took the country train out to Katoomba, about 110 kilometers West of Sydney and visited the Blue Mountains. In all my years of traveling to Australia, I have never been out here and for the life of me, I have no idea why! It is just gorgeous and the views are breathtaking! Australia - you never cease to amaze me!

2 Hour Train Ride through the countryside of New South Wales
We finally reached our destination! Then we headed straight for Scenic World to ride the Scenic Skyway, Railway & Cableway.
270m high (almost 900 feet...Twice as high as the Sydney Harbour Bridge!)
The Three Sisters
The Orphan Rock
Jamison Valley

We are about to go on the Steepest Railway Incline in the world. We had NO idea what we were in for! (Side Note: The girl you don't recognize is Emma, from Wales. She was traveling alone and we quickly became friends.)

We then rode the Cableway back up!
At the end of the day, we explored the little town of Leura. Check out the beautiful Autumn leaves!
Then it was back to Sydney...Good Bye Blue Mountains. Don't you worry, I will be back very soon!

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